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About Weight a Minute Clinic

Little girl eating cucumber slices

Patient-centered care from an expert in the field.
Your weight loss journey starts here

Dr Cee Nicole and her team take a mindful approach to the medical practice, considering the prevalent social issues that cause disproportionate obesity rates in underserved communities.

Through her extensive education and career as a pediatrician and obesity specialist, Dr Cee Nicole has observed that primarily Black and Hispanic populations are affected by obesity and overweight in the US. Weight a Minute Clinic strives to make weight management accessible for patients of all different backgrounds.

Son cooking with father

Weight Management

Weight A Minute Clinic is a telemedicine practice providing pediatric and adult overweight and obesity treatment using an individualized approach. Weight A Minute Clinic connects patients who are most at risk for obesity with accessible care, connecting patients to a team of diverse, obesity board-certified physicians as well as nutritionists, social workers, therapists, and community liaisons.

Our practice is unique in that we understand that obesity is a complex medical condition and successful treatment requires equitable access to information, resources, and care with providers who resemble and identify with the population treated. Our care is individualized, which allows for every patient to achieve health regardless of their psychosocial circumstance, income, or proximity to food options.

Weight a Minute Clinic incorporates lifestyle management, nutrition guidance, medication, and education through gamification using an app designed by our CEO, which allows players to learn by playing a game but also provides real-time feedback and metrics to measure how well players/patients are retaining information regarding healthy living.

In the United States, 40% of adults and 19% of kids and adolescents have overweight and obesity - many of whom are Black and Hispanic. Weight problems can result in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, kidney disease, stroke, infertility, bone and joint disorders, asthma, depression, and 13 different types of cancer.

Research shows that decreasing one's weight by just 5% can drastically improve a patient's health outcomes. This reduction in serious health conditions decreases long-term medical expenses, making healthcare more affordable.

Unfortunately, even losing 5% of one's weight can be extremely challenging and unsustainable without the help of a medical professional. Obesity is a complex condition that can be caused by genetics, access to food, access to healthcare, medications, and more.

An Obesity Medicine Physician has completed their residency and board certification in general medicine and then completed additional training and a second board certification in Obesity Management. There are currently over a million physicians in the US, but only about 4 thousand board certified in Obesity Medicine. Sign up for a weight management plan to recieve the specialized care that you need to transform your health. Invest in yourself today because YOUR health can't wait!

Woman holding a scale

But The Scale Says by Dr. Cee Nicole
Scales measure weight NOT self-worth.

But The Scale Says is an affirmation picture book reminding girls and young women that weight is not synonymous with beauty, kindness, intelligence, or bravery. This easy to read story remind us that our confidence and self love should be rooted in our character, and that beauty comes in all sizes. Affirming our girls should start early so that they never have to go further than the mirror to find love. Grad your copy of this beautifully illustrated book meant to empower readers of all ages and sizes.


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